To convert a file click on the "Browse" icon, select the file you want to convert and the file will be automatically convereted and downloaded
The following file types are supported: doc,docx,gif,jpg,bmp,tiff
Click on the FireFox Menu icon to open the menu and choose Add-Ons
Choose the Doc2PDF add-on from the list and click remove
To convert a file click on the "Browse" icon, select the file you want to convert and the file will be automatically convereted and downloaded
The following file types are supported: doc,docx,gif,jpg,bmp,tiff
To uninstall follow the instructions below:
1. Go to Settings/Internet Options on your browser settings
2. Under HomePage settings choose "Use Default"
To convert a file click on the "Browse" icon, select the file you want to convert and the file will be automatically convereted and downloaded
The following file types are supported: doc,docx,gif,jpg,bmp,tiff
Click on the Chrome Menu icon to open the menu
Click on Settings
On the left window pane click on Extensions
Choose the Doc2PDF extension from the list
Click on the Trash bin icon to the right of the extension
On the pop up window click on the Remove button